Diesel Workers Union                        602 Reeves Way Columbus IN 47201
(812)-376-8461 and (812)-376-8761
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Diesel Workers Union
88 YEARS 1937-2025

Cummins Engine Company voluntarily recognized the Employees Organization on June 29th, 1937. Their official title was: Cummins Employees Association. A first labor agreement was made effective July 16th, 1937. This was a very basic agreement dealing with recognition, seniority, layoff, recall, and hours of work, wages, grievance procedures and the duration of the agreement.

On June 9th, 1938 the employee group, through an attorney, demanded recognition as Diesel Workers Union of Columbus, Indiana. Immediately thereafter, the Company recognized the Diesel Workers Union and despite objections to the National Labor Relations Board by the United Auto Workers, a subsequent second labor agreement was negotiated, becoming effective on October 10th, 1938. The Diesel Workers Union has represented all Southern Indiana Production and Maintenance hourly employees ever since.

The Diesel Workers Union is an Independent Union with a eighty-one (81) year history. In the 1970s we represented approximately seventy two hundred (7200) members under one contract. We now have approximately seventeen hundred (1700) members in three Contracts, Base Business,(Fuel Systems Plant, Columbus Engine Plant, Seymour Engine Plant and Global Integrated System Facilities) Midrange Engine Plant, (Walesboro) and Light Duty Diesel,(located in Columbus Engine Plant). 

We have around of twenty-two (22) Shop Stewards.  
We have one (1) Chief Shop Steward/Grievance Committeeman.
This Appointed Official reports to the Bargaining Committee. 
The Bargaining Committee consists of nine (9) people. These nine (9) people are President, Vice President, Secretary Treasurer and six (6) Board Members. 
These nine (9) officials are responsible for negotiating the collective bargaining agreements.

The major importance of a labor union is to organize the workers in order to make available an organization to negotiate a collective bargaining agreement with management. This agreement would cover such things as a safe place to work, a decent wage agreed upon between management and labor, paid holidays, and that both sides uphold any bargaining agreements that have been negotiated. Health insurance, vacations and retirement plans can also be negotiated into an agreement. There is usually a means for either side to settle issues (grievances) that might arise throughout the duration of the agreement.